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Dieses Thema hat 6 Antworten
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Shakira Offline

Beiträge: 3

16.06.2010 21:12
Help needed on the breeding of this horse... Zitat · Antworten

Hello, I am from the United Kingdom and in 2006 I brought a buckskin tobiano mare from Bayreuth, Germany. I have her passport which is issued by "German Equestrian Association eV" It says she was born in 01/01/2000. I know the year I brought her she had just had a foal weaned. I brought her from a horse dealers. The passport has no breeding records in there and I would really like to try and find out who her sire and dam is. Can anyone help me please. Her name in her passport is SHAKIRA 38th I will try to put a photo on.

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 Shakira trot.jpg  scan0001.jpg  shakira2305.jpg 
Stan Offline


Beiträge: 202

16.06.2010 22:38
#2 RE: Help needed on the breeding of this horse... Zitat · Antworten

Has she by any chance a brand? I think you will find it very hard to find out the pedigree...what sort of passport does she have? Just a green "pferdepass"? Do you know what the foal was? Who the father was? Maybe the stallion owner(father of her foal) has an idea? Sorry i dont have any other ideas!!

Stan Offline


Beiträge: 202

16.06.2010 22:39
#3 RE: Help needed on the breeding of this horse... Zitat · Antworten

She looks really nice by the way!!!

silberschweif Offline


Beiträge: 459

16.06.2010 23:07
#4 RE: Help needed on the breeding of this horse... Zitat · Antworten

hello Rachel, wow - do you have a very nice horse ... i hope do you understand my english ??? And the color exist not so often ?
But i don`t know about the breeding from Shakira....

Best regards

Shakira Offline

Beiträge: 3

17.06.2010 10:06
#5 RE: Help needed on the breeding of this horse... Zitat · Antworten

[Quote = "Stan"] Hi
Has she by any chance a brand? I think you will find it very hard to find out the pedigree ... what sort of passport does she have? Just a green "horse pass"? Do you know what the foal was? Who the father was? Maybe the stallion owner (father of her foal) has an idea? Sorry i dont have any other ideas! [/ Quote]

No, she doesn't have a brand. Her passport is green with clear plastic front cover. Apparently the stallion she was put to was an arab stallion. No idea who the father was. Apparently foal was her colour, but a buckskin tobiano is really hard to breed and I have had her tested and she is heterozygous tobiano. I was just hoping that there may have been a chance somebody on here recognises her perhaps! Thanks for your help. Rachel

Shakira Offline

Beiträge: 3

17.06.2010 10:08
#6 RE: Help needed on the breeding of this horse... Zitat · Antworten

Zitat von silberschweif
hello Rachel, wow - do you have a very nice horse ... i hope do you understand my english ??? And the color exist not so often ?
But i don`t know about the breeding from Shakira....

Best regards

Hi Sandra. I know the colour is not an easy one to breed which is why I thought putting her on this forum somebody might recognise her! Thanks


Nadja Offline


Beiträge: 963

18.06.2010 13:26
#7 RE: Help needed on the breeding of this horse... Zitat · Antworten

I think she has only a passport from the FN and is there registrated as a horse without a breeding paper. This horses all get the birth date 1.01.xxxx. Otherwise breeding records would be written in the passport and it would be a red one. And so I see no chance to get informations of the dam and shire. Perhaps a prior owner recognize her.


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